Sunday, January 26, 2020

Driving Forces Of Change In Textile Industries Commerce Essay

Driving Forces Of Change In Textile Industries Commerce Essay This project is given us as final assignment in strategic management class the topic is The driving forces those forcing to change the textile industry of Pakistan the Pakistan is agriculture base country and the textile is the back bone of Pakistan economy. The purpose of doing such types of assignment is to getting the practical exposure of industries the implantation of knowledge and also familiar with the challenges and issues which currently the industries is facing. Driving forces play an importance role for the development of economy and for the growth of industries.Through this project assignment we are all familiar with the industries knowledge and experiences and get the depth knowledge of industries and the issues,challenges, problem, norms and value of the industry.During our project we also found that Textile industry of Pakistan is facing several problems due to political and economic environment. Currently interest rate of country is very high which has increased cost of production and makes it difficult for the industry to become cost competitive in the global market. A part interest rate problem, Production of the industry is very disturbed due to power shortage and law and order situation of the country. This assignment is providing the knowledge of industry and how to solve such issues challenges and problem and how to get the competitive advantage and how to compete rivalryand how to cope up with these changes and how to develop the directions of industries in particular situations and how sustainable in these changes which is due to the driving forces of industries. Chapter 02: Literature Review: Background: Research Statement: The driving forces those are forcing to change the textile industry in Pakistan Research Objective: Our research objective is following To identify the link between the driving forces and textile industries To explore the impact of driving forces on textile industries To identify the different driving forces prevailing in the Pakistan economy To find out the solutions for driving forces To find out the reason of driving forces Limitation of Research: Our research is limited in Pakistan country only and in the textile industry and the driving force whose impact on textile the research is conducted through the data analyzing. Scope of Research: The research is conduct only in Pakistan and the research cover the driving forces which is prevailing in Pakistan economy and those who impact the textile industry only. Methods of Research: The method for the research we use the data which is taken from different source and then we analyze the data through the study and through the statically tools research method is most depend upon the data that we gather from different sources and though the online collection of data and implementation. Data Gathering: The data for this topic is gathering from employee who is currently working in textile industry and from the Pakistan textile journals, different authors articles, textile mills websites, government official ministry of textile website, all Pakistan association of textile mills, Google documents, researches etc. Variables: Variable for this research is below Textile industries of Pakistan Driving forces in Pakistan Hypothesis: If driving forces is their will it impact the textile industries. If driving forces vanished what will effect on textile industries. If driving forces aretheir will effect and how much it effect the industry. Driving Forces: The driving forces are the key internal forces micro environment (such as knowledge competences workforce of management and macroenvironment as well (such as economy competition technology) that shape the future of the organization Change in industries is due to the driving forces is participants and driving forces is major cause to bring change in industries competitive condition driving forces are emerge from internal and external environment. Driving forces can include changes in social, technological, environmental, economic andpolitical factors, for example: Demographic factors (population increase, in/out migration, changing age/genderstructure, etc). Laws and regulations (affecting land ownership, labour relations, environmental protection measures, etc). Policies (subsidies, price controls or guarantees, import/export controls, quotasand tariffs, exchange rates, etc). Markets and competition (size of or access to, local, national and internationalmarkets; growing competitiveness of producers in other regions, countries etc). Technology (availability of new genotypes, machinery, etc). Institutions (new actors, influences, social organization). Information (availability, communications technology). Non-agricultural employment opportunities (processing, manufacturing, business,services, migration/ remittances, etc.) Natural resources (characteristics of watershed, water availability, groundwaterlevels, land degradation, etc). Driving Forces Analysis: Driving force can be analyzed in two steps Identify relevant driving force Assessing the impact they will have Types of Driving Forces: Some of the common driving forces of industries. Increasing globalization of industry Changes in cost and efficiency Shifting from standardized to differentiated products (or vice versa) Regulatory influences government policy changes Changing societal concerns, attitudes, lifestyles Changes in degree of uncertainty risk Changes in long-term industry growth rate Changes in who buys the product how they use it Product innovation Technological change/process innovation Marketing innovation Entry or exit of major firms Diffusion of technical knowledge Driving forces In Textile industries of Pakistan: Pakistans textile industry faces several factors, both internal and external, that affect its competitive edge in global trade. An increase in production costs because of the heavy cost of credit finance Government levies and taxation have weighed heavily on the industry, Domestic cotton has not met qualitative needs of the growing spinning and textile sectors. Pakistans downstream users have also impacted the market, Government-backed supportive policies and heavy subsidies of our regional rivals like China, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. External trade and tariff barriers, such as high import duties by the U.S. and anti-dumping duties by European Union. Pakistans loss of preferential access under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) in the E.U. Other Driving forces in textile industry: Pakistani Mills Look For the Competitive Edge RGST to affect value-added textile sector Zero rated status for all exports to be maintained Government restores zero-rating for textiles Textile Policy 2009-14 Analysis Finance Bill to Burden Industry Further Increasing Cost of Production Electricity Crisis Tight Monetary Policy Removal of subsidy on Textile sector United States EU cuts imports of textile from Pakistan Raw material Prices Effect of Inflation Pakistani Mills Look For the Competitive Edge: Pakistans cotton and textile industries have adapted to changes in the global cotton trading environment during recent years by investing more than U.S. $6 billion in production and technology upgrades. Because of that, Pakistans domestic consumption has surpassed production by about  3 million bales. But even with increasing consumption, Pakistans textile industry faces several factors, both internal and external, that affect its competitive edge in global trade. Many mills have incurred losses during the last two years. Those mills which could not adopt the necessary changes in the new business environment because of their financial restraints and heavy liabilities have experienced the greatest losses. To make their projects viable and to minimize losses, mills are generally curtailing their production by going into fine count yarns or closing parts of their units. Current Forecast: Pakistan emerged as a major player in world cotton trade after a phenomenal increase in its spinning capacity in the last few years. Traditionally, most of the mills in Pakistan still prefer to use Pakistani cotton due to its known spinning characteristics and easy availability for making medium-count yarns. But many mills have now developed permanent plans and blends based on imported cotton to bridge the shortfall in the local cotton supply.Recently, some mills have bought about 15,000-20,000 tons of Brazilian 2008 crop on call basis for shipment in 2008, and several other mills are inquiring to buy Brazilian cotton on the same basis. Some Brazilian businesses have reported as far as 2009. Some of the mills use this mode of buying to secure their short position in Pakistani cotton. If domestic price goes up, they opt to take shipment, and if prices come down to their desired level, they mange to get their import contracts settled with the shipper with mutual consent.According to pr ivate estimates, about 2.5 million bales of different growths have been booked in 2006/07 through the end of April. By February 2007, about 1,900,521 bales (170 kgs each) had reached the country. Pakistan may need to buy another 300,000-400,000 bales, which they may cover mostly from U.S., Brazil, West Africa and Uzbekistan. Pakistans Supply And Demand 05/06 06/07 07/08 (E) Beginning Stock 4.45 3.50 3.00 Production 12.40 12.40 14.20 Imports 2.05 2.85 2.20 Total Supply 18.90 18.75 19.40 Consumption 15.00 15.50 16.00 Exports 0.40 0.25 0.40 Ending Stock 3.50 3.00 3.00 Total Distribution 18.90 18.75 19.40 (all figures in million bales of 170 kg. each) Cotton vision 2015 Under cotton vision 2015, the government plans to bring more area under cotton cultivation particularly in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. According to the plan, the government wanted to increase cotton production by 20 million bales through potential areas of Balochistan and KP. Having considered various options for production enhancement, it was realized that the production level of 20 million bales could be achieved by 2015 with a modest increase in sowing areas in potential cotton growing areas of Balochistan and NWFP coupled with an average of 5% growth in per hectare yield. The sources said that cotton alone contributes nearly 65 percent of the foreign exchange earnings of Pakistan. To bring more area under cultivation and ensure food security, the government plans to purchase 100 bulldozers for land development work in Balochistan with financial assistance of Italian government. The bulldozers procured will be deployed for development of 78 thousand hectares of land (70 pe rcent new and 30 percent existing) throughout the life of the bulldozers. The bulldozers would be given to the farmers at the rate of Rs 550 per hour against operational cost of Rs 3994.60 per hour involving 86 percent subsidy. (February 16, 2011) RGST to affect value-added textile sector RGST bill was most complicated than on-going GST and urged the government not to impose RGST that was going to push the export-oriented and labor intensive Textile Value Added Textile Sector to the wall. He said that the textiles exporters had strong exceptions to the government for continuously ignoring the reservations of the exporters regarding the imposition of the RGST and Zero Rate facility would not be withdrawn. But it is fact the Govt. had not yet cleared the outstanding refund claims of billions of rupees so far. He mentioned that the government was also holding up millions of exporters money under export rebate which was at present around 1%. Now it seems impossible in the present state of functioning that FBR could smoothly release 15% of GST refunds. To meet this shortfall in working capital, textile exporter/entrepreneur would resort to bank for financing its export for which mark-up rate itself is on a parallel rise. Thus Textile Value Added Textile Sector would be lead to an ultimate collapse, which facing shortage and day-by-day growing bills of Gas, Electricity and basic raw material. RGST may lead textile industry to bankruptcy He said textile industry was consuming 15 percent (600mmcfd) of total load of 4000mmcfd but the shortage is already being shifted on the industry which is unfair. According to him, textile industry has already lost $1.5 billion exports last year as a sizeable capacity remained idle on account of non-availability of gas. This loss is likely to touch $3 billion this year due to increase in value of commodities, if the gas supply to the industry is discriminatory suspended. He feared industry production loss to the extent of 30 percent ahead in case textile industry is denied gas during peak load period starting from November till February. Textile industry has already suffered from 44 days unprecedented gas load shedding during summer. The industry worries are piling up fast with regard to the next 12 months load management policy. Government restores zero-rating for textiles The government has restored the zero-rating for textile exporters and lowered the rate of general sales tax (GST) to four to six percent on sales of textile goods in local markets from the earlier notified 17 percent. Now manufacturers will not have to pay GST on their purchases if the goods manufactured are meant to be exported. If a registered taxpayer or exporter buys yarn with an aim to sell finished products made of it (yarn) in local markets, then he will pay four percent GST. And afterwards, four percent GST will be charged at every level of value-addition instead of 17 percent. If an unregistered taxpayer buys yarn, then he will be liable to pay six percent GST, and four percent GST will be charged on every step of the value-addition chain. Moreover, authorities have also clarified that the special excise duty will only be charged from other than zero-rated sectors. And those imports that are made for the purpose of exports will also remain zero-rated. The rate of withholding tax has been fixed at one percent. All these decisions will come into force with effect from April 012011. The decisions announced in these respects on March 15 through presidential ordinances and subsequently notified through statuary regulatory orders (SROs) have become null and void. The new decisions were taken by finance minister Abdul HafeezShaikh and chairman of FBR Salman Siddique at a grand meeting with textile makers. Delegates from Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, chambers of commerce of different cities and representatives of textile bodies participated in the meeting held at Islamabad. This is a win-win situation for the government and textile makers, said a participant of the meeting. There was consensus on the rates of taxes.Officials agreed to implement four to six percent GST on local sales instead of 17 percent after they were made to realize the menace of Afghan Transit Trade (ATT). If the government had not lowered the taxes, it would have encouraged smuggling under ATT and through other channels. According to an estimate, goods worth $2.5 billion were smuggled into the country last year under the garb of Afghan transit trade. Textile Policy 2009-14 Analysis The first ever National Textile Policy was announced by the government in 2009 and is being generally hailed by the stakeholders since it not only addresses some of their key concerns and demands but also shows (albeit after a long wait) the required commitment and assumption of ownership by the Textile Ministry for providing meaningful policy direction to this largest national manufacturing sector. While the announced policy tends to be quite comprehensive and well researched its success will largely depend on the team assigned to micro manage its implementation and the operational strategy it then goes on to adopt. More often than not, perfectly good policies in the past failed to yield the desired results owing to blatant micro-management failures. Further, we find that embedded in the policy itself are measures that represent its core strength but ironically remain beyond the executionary ambit of the Textile Ministry. For example, it is all very well to announce Priority in Gas and Electricity Load Management, but to be able to effectively carry this out poses some serious practical challenges. First, to implement such a measure requires equal assurance and willingness by the related yet different ministries, namely Water Power and Oil Gas. Second, the textile industry itself is scattered and does not draw power from either dedicated textile feeders or textile specific po wer stations. Therefore ensuring continuity of supplies only to textile mills while switching off others, may operationally not be doable. Third, the textile industrial units (especially the small and medium sized) are so grossly intertwined with residential areas in virtually all industrial centers such as, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Sheikhupura, Multan, etc., that it gets to be virtually impossible to separate the gas and electricity supply lines of domestic users from the industrial ones. Perhaps a better approach would have been to consult with relevant ministries and announce that a) Textile units in all sizes are entitled to alternative feeder arrangement that ensures continuity of supply from one feeder while the other is switched off for load management, b) Gas to be made available at the doorstep of textile units (like in the earlier days) to overcome the current prohibitive cost of simply getting a gas connection installed; a cost that at present literally denies a significant portion of the industry from cheap, efficient and clean fuel in shape of natural gas, c) Since gas supply management is there to stay, especially in winters, why not just announce a reduced gas tariff (like in Bangladesh) for industry that can in-turn help average out additional fuel costs undertaken by the industry during the period when gas is not available, and d) An establishment of a joint cell consisting of representatives from related ministries and the industry to create a forum that is easily accessible to mill managements and that can at the same time ensure to resolve problems that emerge on an on-going basis. Increasing Cost of Production Textile industry of Pakistan is facing problems in competing in the international market due to increase in the cost of production. The increase in the cost of production is due to the facts like interest rate, inflation and the continuous depreciation of Pakistani rupee value.Textile exporters rightfully demand reduction of Kibor rate to 8% to avoid a severe decline in exports. A three-year comprehensive textile policy is expected to be announced before budget 2009-10. The textile policy has been designed to enhance the exports of textile sector to $ 25 billion in next three years. This was stated by the Minister for Textile Industry RanaFarooqSaeed Khan. Textile Minister further informed that the spinning and weaving sector would get its due share from the Export Investment Support Fund, worth Rs. 40 billion allocated in the Federal Budget 2009-10. Electricity Crisis As a consequence of load-shedding the textile production capacity of various sub-sectors has been reduced by up to 30 per cent. The joint meeting of APTMA other related organization was held at APTMA House to formulate a joint strategy to address the alarming electricity crisis being faced by the textile industry. The meeting unanimously decided to constitute a joint working group of electricity management for the textile industry in the larger interests of the value chain of the textile industry. The joint working group will meet shortly to design a detailed plan to pursue the following goals; immediate total exemption from Electricity load shedding for the textile industry value chain; Rationalization and reduction of electricity tariff. The load-shedding of electricity cause a rapid decrease in production which also reduced the export order. The cost of production has also risen due to instant increase in electricity tariff. Due to load shedding some mill owner uses alternative s ource of energy like generator which increase their cost of production further. Due to such dramatic situation the capability of competitiveness of this industry in international market effected badly. Fig.1. illustrates comparison between electricity production and consumption (Business Recorder Pakistan -Special report, 2009). Tight Monetary Policy Due to the stiff monetary policy the cost of production is high. Due to high interest rate financing cost increases which cause a severe effect on production. The withholding tax of 1% also effects the production badly. The high cost of doing business is because of intensive increase in the rate of interest which has increased the problems of the industry. The government should take immediate measures to remove slowdown in the textile sector. Removal of subsidy on Textile sector The provisions of Finance Bill 2009-10 are not textile industry friendly at all. Provisions like reintroduction of 0.5% minimum tax on domestic sales, 1% withholding tax on import of textile and articles etc., are nothing but last strick on industrys back. Reintroduction of minimum tax on domestic sales would invite unavoidable liquidity problem, which is already reached to the alarming level. The textile industry was facing negative generation of funds due to unaffordable mark up rate. United States EU cuts imports of textile from Pakistan United States cancel more than 50% of textile orders of Pakistan .US also impose a high duties on the import of textile of Pakistan which effect the export in a bad manner. US EU are the major importer of Pakistan textile which create a huge difference in export of Pakistan textile after imposing a restriction on import of Pakistani textile goods. Raw material Prices Prices of cotton other raw material used in textile industry fluctuate rapidly in Pakistan. The rapid increase in the price raw material effects the cost of production badly. The increase in raw material prices fluctuates rapidly due to double digit inflation instable internal condition of Pakistan. Due to increase in the cost of production the demand for export home as well decreased which result in terms of downsizing of a firm. Hence the unemployment level will also increase. Government should take serious step to survive the textile industry. In order to decrease the price raw material for textile we need to increase our production capability. Simultaneously, the government should make arrangement for introducing international system of Cotton Standardization in Pakistan to enhance quality and value of Pakistan lint cotton by utilizing the technical services of Pakistan Cotton Standard Institute. Effect of Inflation Inflation rate is measured as the change in consumer price index (CPI).Inflation is basically a general rise in the price level. It is decline in the real value of money. Inflation can have adverse effect on economy. Pakistan is one of prey of inflation. It still faces high double digit inflation. The increase in inflation causes the increase in the cost of production of textile good which return in downsizing. The double digit inflation causes reduction in exports of textile. (FPCCI) Chapter 03: Industry Profile: Background: World Textile Industry was initially started in Britain at the beginning of the 18th century was the production of textilesas the spinning and weaving machines were invented in that country.Preston barber Richard Arkwright in 1769, patented a machine that would take cotton spinning from home to the factory. Arkwrights water frame was the first textile machine to use water power rather than muscle power. From this marked the factory system started, which later spread to other industries.According to statistics, the global textile market possesses a worth of more than $400 billion presently. The industry has faced high competition and opportunities in a more globalize environment. It was forecasted that Global textile production will grow by 25% between 2002 and 2010 and Asian region or the Asian countries will largely contribute in this sector.The WTO has taken so many steps for uplifting the textile industry sector. In 1995, WTO had renewed its MFA and adopted agreement on textiles a nd clothing (ATC), which states that all quotes on textile and clothing will be removed among WTO member countries.However the level of exports in textiles from developing countries is increasing even if in the presence of high tariffs and quantitative restriction by economically developed countries.Moreover the role of multifunctional textiles, eco-textiles, e-textiles and customized textiles are considered as the future of textile industry. Types of Textile Industry: These are the industry lie in the textile sector Cotton industry Woolen industry Silk industry Linen industry Pakistan Textile Industry Description: Whenever we think of manufacturing industry in Pakistan, it is textile industry that immediately comes to mind that is playing an important position in terms of the employment generation and value added special contribution towards the exports. Pakistans textile industry is one of the most important sectors of Pakistan. We can say that after agriculture sector, the textile industry is the backbone of Pakistan as it contributes significant part to the country GDP, exports as well as employment. s the fourth largest cotton producer in the world. Because of its plentiful, indigenous cotton supply, the textile industry is central to the Pakistani economy. The Pakistan textile industry has strong base of raw material, started its journey from non existence in 1947 with meager size of 78000 spindles and merely 3000 looms that was unorganized sector, and only 8% domestic demand was catered. The industry has gone through a long way and now possesses 443 units, 8.4 million spindles and 166,000 rotors, 20,000 shuttles less looms, 200,000 power looms, over 600 processing units and over 2500 garments units.Textiles and Clothing, no doubt is the largest industrial sector of Pakistan from the investment, employment and export point of view. It accounts for approximately 27 percent of total industrial output, absorbs about 38 percent of industrial labor force, and contributes around 60 to 65 percent to export earnings. [Pakistan Economics Survey]. The cotton countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Fourth largest producer of cotton after USA, China and India. Third largest consumer of cotton. Third largest exporter of cotton textiles. Second largest supplier of cotton yarn with 26% share of the international market. These are the main sectors of Textile Industry: Spinning Weaving Finishing Dyeing/ Printing Pressing Fashion designing Spinning It is the process of converting raw material into yarn. The raw materials may be natural materials such as cotton or manmade fibers such as polyester. Sometimes, the term spinning is also used for production of manmade filament yarn. Weaving It is the process of making cloths like t-shirts, jeans and all, rugs, blankets and other products by crossing two set of threads over and under each other. Now, weaving machines are used for this process. Weaving is the most important sub-sector of textile. The exports of woven fabrics and other related woven made-ups form a major portion of textile exports from Pakistan. Finishing Finishing of cloth is one of the chief arts in the textile industry. The appearance of the any product is the first concern, and the appearance of any fabric is just because of the methods of finishing. Dyeing/ Printing The Dyeing of clothing and other materials is a fairly simple process. It doesnt consume much time and workactually it often depends on what type of dye you purchase. Printing is something through which cloths are printed with different designing and prints. Pressing The cloths which came after the process of dyeing and printing would go for the pressing. It is simply pressing the cloths. Fashion Designing It is new in the textile industry, actually the popularity of fashion designing begin from previous couple of years. It is the applied art dedicated to clothing and lifestyle accessories created within the cultural and social influences of a specific time. Process of Textile Value Chain Challenges to textile: Frequent fashion changes. Anti dumping policies imposed by major importers. Non tariff barriers may increase such as standards relating to child labour, human rights, wages and working conditions, use of carcinogenic chemicals, inflammable materials, etc. Increased competition from India, China, Turkey, Caribbean Sub-Saharan countries and others who have preferential trade arrangements with major importing countries. High power cost frequent power cuts. Lesser usage of eco-friendly materials.   Lack of international marketing efforts. Higher rate of interest on loans for modernization and expansion.   Less awareness in acquiring international quality certifications. Chapter 04: Company Profile: Name Owner Location Adil Textile Gulistan Textile Mills Limited Quetta. Text Accord Textile Gulistan Spinning Mills Limited Quetta Textile Mils Ltd Ahmed Hassan Textile Mills Limited Gulshan Spinning Rashid Text. Ahmed Spinning Mills Limited Hafiz Textile  Ã‚   Ravi Textile Mills Al -Azhar Textile Hajra Textile Redco Textiles Al-Abid Silk Mills Hala Spinning Regent Textile Ali Asgahar Textile Hamid Textile Mills Reliance Cotton Alif Textile Harnai Woolen Mills Reliance Weaving Al-Jadeed Textile Haroon Oils Resham Textile Allawasaya Textiles Harum Textile Ruby Textile Mills Al-Qadir Textile I.C.C. Textiles Rupali Polyester Limited Amazai Textile Ibrahim Fibre Ltd. Sadoon Textile A

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Yellow Raft in Blue Water Essay

Answer: Discuss the three female protagonists and the men in their lives. How are their lives determined by the circumstances of their birth and subsequently by the men they â€Å"chose.† Michael Dorris divides the novel A Yellow Raft in Blue Water into three sections narrated by three different Native American women: Rayona, Christine, and Ida. First introduced is teen-aged Rayona, whose mother Christine is dying of too much drinking and high living. Rayona was abandoned by her mother and had to fend for herself around the environment of Seattle and the Montana reservation of her birth. She is searching for a stability of affection she never quite finds. Rayona often looks down on herself based on the way people look at her. They either say she is â€Å"too big, too smart, not Black, not Indian, not friendly.† Rayona longs to be normal and fit in. With her mother Christine, it’s been another story: affection came to her almost too much and nearly buried beneath it, she self-destructs in her illness finally returning to the reservation. She is very protective of her brother Lee and always concerned for his welfare. Christine does not have the skills to translate her feelings into actions and this is her main problem in relationships with others, especially with her daughter. This weakness naturally causes problems between Christine and Rayona, as Rayona begins to judge others based solely on their actions. Aunt Ida is often bitter and attempts to distance herself from others, as she fears becoming too attached to or dependent upon anyone. She tells the last part of the book and is the best at telling it. A story of how a young Indian girl Ida assumed the child born of an aunt, who’d come to nurse her sister through illness and stayed to bear her brother-in-law’s child: Christine. It’s only here that Dorris’ narrative decision to telescope the story, unfold family secrets. Since Aunt Ida was so secretive of their family genes, Christine is left fatherless and has no ancestors who she knows about. Consequently she has trouble understanding her identity and it causes her a great deal of pain and disappointment. Though the one constant man in her life was her brother Lee. Christine and Lee have a very close sister-brother bond, each relying on each other for emotional support. After her brother’s death, she gets married to an African American solider named Elgin. Throughout her part of the book, she faces difficulties with Elgin that reflects a lot on Rayona. During Rayona’s whole life, her father Elgin is barely there, pooping in and out whenever convenient for him. Rayona Feels like she is not good enough and has trouble trying to find her place and identity in the world. These characters experience loneliness, they yearn to be loved and accepted. This results in the evident theme of belonging and abandonment. The chance to interview Michael Dorris. . What is your favorite and least favorite books of all the books you have written? Where do you get your ideas for your books? What is your favorite type of book to read that you enjoy and do any of them help you to make your decisions to write your books?   From research you have mentioned growing up in a household filled with women. Did you get any actual editorial help from women in your household? For example, did you show it to your wife and asked if you got something right?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Urdu Essay Topics for Class 6 at a Glance

Urdu Essay Topics for Class 6 at a Glance Likewise the art of novel depends on the story line and the surprise and suspense a story creates. They don't have time to analyse novels. A novel is similar to a system. It may be realistic based on real life incidents or fictitious. What You Need to Do About Urdu Essay Topics for Class 6 Beginning in the Next 10 Minutes Creative Essay writing is currently recognized among the most useful activity for kids for their general personality development. Education improves the mental status and modify the manner of thinking of someone. It is an essential tool for everyone to get success in life and earn respect and recognition. The One Thing to Do for Urdu Essay Topics for Class 6 You may also become different discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. There are many kinds of newspaper and magazines depending on their brand and subscription. Miscellaneous things are also found. In today's technological world where everything is dependent on the high technology, news is also on the computer and internet. Moreover many sorts of games like card game for children, action games for children, adventure games for children, pool games, and racing games are also offered. He is a great player. In cricket, two kinds of matches are played. One is the test match and the other one is the 1 day match. Whenever you opt to ask us for expert guidance, don't hesitate to speak to our support managers. There's, obviously, a limit on the variety of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. A seasoned professional will make an error-free assignment right away and can help you boost your grades. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. We've provided some easy and st raightforward essay on newspaper for those students. The newspaper is extremely important thing in these types of days. To acquire the short articles for children, news articles for students, news articles for children and present affair articles for children visit Urdu Point. There are over a hundred teachers in our school. Newspaper is a group of news from all around the world which keeps us up-to-date about everything going outside. Newspaper is of amazing value to all of us because it brings a great deal of news to us from all over the world. Urdu Point is the ideal webpage for those kids. Urdu Point provides you the very best kid's activities. Our school indicates a really good result. It is the best method of communication between government of the nation and its public. It's the very first and foremost thing everyone looks for each morning. It's first and foremost thing of everyone to begin the day. Newspapers serve multiple purposes in line with the need and requirement of the folks. Quiz online and internet quiz with questions and answers is a simple way to better your general understanding. Read Mazameen on various subjects. What is Actually Going on with Urdu Essay Topics for Class 6 The essays also incorporate the history of Persian Past. The majority of these topics may be use d for debates. Our writers come from a selection of professional backgrounds. Some folks are educated but don't have enough skill to bring in money for their day-to-day routine just on account of the deficiency of appropriate education system in the backwards areas.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Effects of the Internet on Society Essay - 1380 Words

The internet is the social, economic, and political tool of the new age. In its young age, it far surpasses the importance of other forms of communication, such as the telephone, telegraph, television, and newspaper. Not only is the medium capable of essentially eliminating those mediums, it will play an important role in the advancement of civilization. While the majority of issues surrounding the internet are positive, it is important to take a step back and look at what other side effects it has had on society, outside of a communication standpoint. Perhaps the biggest change has come to the political spectrum. The Internet has drastically alter the political landscape by positively increasing participation in political campaigns in†¦show more content†¦Perhaps its because of the sheer size- something that has always stifled newspapers and television producers. In a paper, there is a physical limit to the amount of information that can be displayed. On TV, there is a limi t on the amount of time that every news agency struggles with. The internet, by contrast, is virtually limitless. This limitless environment results in a positive effect of online news media...[on topics] such as candidate likes and dislikes and candidate issue stance knowledge (Dalrymple 104). Dalrymple also commented that people who use the internet regularly tend to make more connections between factual information and to create more big picture ideas and abstract concepts (108).This finding was not limited to one study. While Dalrymple studied the election in the United States, evidence exists in a study done by De Waal in the Netherlands actually had more compelling evidence. According to her study, nonpaper news Web sites has a positive impact on the extent of ones agenda (DeWaal 168). Newspapers and news-oriented websites are not the only source of news. In real life, before the internet, before print media became popular, there was word of mouth and social networks that passed news around. People that couldnt read the paper ended up discussing contemporary issues with their friends in groups. While todays world isnt nearly as reliant on word of mouth for news, social networking hasShow MoreRelatedThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1553 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract This research paper is about the Internet. I choose to write a Qualitative essay because the Internet has a myriad of information to speak on. Moreover, using the Qualitative research method over the Quantitative research gave me a chance to become more knowledgeable in exactly what I was writing on. It also gave me a chance to understand and become more aware of the topic to write a great essay. Additionally, when I looked at the numerical data from the Quantitative research the informationRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1540 Words   |  7 Pagesare living in a world where the Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life. Everything is at our fingertips through the Internet: school, work, business, personal, and so forth; that our society has made its usage almost mandatory. It has made everything easier and people today cannot even imagine how their lives would be without this genre of technologies. But, we cannot expect that something as useful as the Internet will not have adversely effects in people. However, in this technologicalRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1590 Words   |  7 PagesPoint in case, the Internet is an aspect of the 21st century that had no place in previous generations, yet occupies a percentage of time nowadays. The Internet has many positive features, yet numerous, less known harmful effects on society, affecting different age groups and parts of the population in different ways. The Internet is predominantly a catalyst for communication; communication that would otherwise have been extremely difficult or impossible to initiate. The Internet helps people stayRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society Essay1200 Words   |  5 Pagesuniversal PC s net known as Internet . Internet is essential need of young time today; youth can get by without sustenance yet can t make due without web. Above all else, Internet gives access to a considerable measure of data. Some of them are exceptionally valuable in your employment different aides in your pastime. At first web was not so conspicuous but instead after advancement in adaptable development web has wound up crucial need of people in worldwide. Internet has extended correspondenceRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1614 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s world, the internet is the leading source of information and the leading way of communication. Every year, technology improves, and so does society’s dependence on it. The use of the internet has made a huge impact in the society causing controversy. Social media can help people to communicate and to be in touch with their families and friends, but it can also disconnect people from reality. This can be seen in today s new generations, since children and adolescents tend to be more involvedRead MoreEffects Of The Internet On Society1767 Words   |  8 PagesThe world wide web, otherwise called the internet, came about in the 1960s and was primarily used for researchers and academia. But since the 1990s, the internet has had that revolutionary effect on the culture and commerce in our society. This includes communication by email, instant messaging, and internet phone calls. In addition, there is also the world wide web with discussion forums, social networking sites, and online shopping sites, which people, despite their generational differences, utilizeRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society3739 Words à ‚  |  15 PagesThe Internet is a debatably the most important invention that mankind has ever accomplished. Having access to everyone at any given time is something of a dream back in the past and now that it is here there is no stopping the effects it has on society. Social media, GPS, email the list goes on and on what the Internet can do, it would be a shorter list to just tell what the Internet cannot do. Having this being said businesses have felt the effects of the ever growing technology of the World WideRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effects On Society Essay1834 Words   |  8 Pagesof this common, every-day scenario, is the internet. Winston Ross, a Senior Writer for Newsweek described the internet as the following, â€Å"It is available, affordable and accessible† (Ross 3). The internet is a positive technological advancement that has contributed immensely to socialization, education and work life. Though the internet is known for being addictive and distracting, the benefits of using it far outweigh any potential risks. The internet is used today across the world as a large socialRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1852 Words   |  8 Pagesthousands more will â€Å"like† an Instagram photo†¦and that’s if they read very quickly (Marrouat). Today, many people use the Internet for everything. The internet has many benefits, anyone that has a computer with internet can find any information and can even add to it. That’s why the Internet is known as the collected knowledge of millions of people. The most popular tool of the Internet though, is its way for socialization. Socialization is referring to the way people communicate and how they do it. ThereRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society917 Words   |  4 PagesThe internet is a cyberspace of knowledge compacted to fit in to the palm of our hands. It has the power to connect us to people across the ocean, deliver food to our homes and even help us meet the love of our lives. However, this type of power co mes with a great responsibility of its own. Nowadays, the internet has become a way to target those who are gullible or those who have limited knowledge of it. The internet now has had an especially big impact when it comes to children and sexual predators